17 Jan Red Rumex, the fresh leaf that enriches every flavor
Red Rumex or Rumex Sanguineus (Italianized as Red Romice or, in some cases, Spinaccio) is a rustic perennial medicinal aromatic plant, characterized by bright green foliage and typical dark red veins. Thanks to these chromatic peculiarities, the Red Romice is abundantly used not only as a salad, but also as a decorative element of dishes. Let’s find out all the curiosities about Red Rumex, its benefits and our tips for using it in the kitchen.
Red Rumex: curiosities, properties and benefits for the body
Red Rumex belongs to the Polygonaceae family (like buckwheat and rhubarb) and its genus boasts more than two hundred species. The most famous in Italy are: Rumex Crispus, Rumex Elongatus, Rumex Acetosa, Rumex Alpinus, Rumex Scutatus, Rumex Obtusifolius, Rumex Bucephalophorus and Rumex Patientia, all varieties united by the root of the denomination, but different in appearance, properties and flavor. Thanks to the richness of its medicinal properties, the Red Sanguineus in the pharmacopoeia is counted among the officinal herbs.
How Red Rumex is grown today
It is a very rustic plant, with a height ranging from 40 to 90 centimeters and its leaves can reach a length of up to 20 centimeters. Red Rumex prefers fertile, fresh and clayey soils, such as those of the Piana del Sele, although it grows easily and quickly in other areas, also thanks to its extreme ability to adapt to climatic and soil conditions. The structure of the plant, rather robust, requires that the Red Romice be periodically maintained, cutting the flower to allow the leaves to maintain their tenderness and dividing the tuft every three years to ensure a luxuriant growth.
Properties and distinctive elements of Red Rumex
The plant is a concentrate of elements useful for the body, as it is rich in potassium, iron, chlorophyll and vitamin C, which gives it an excellent nutritional supply. It also has a high content of oxalic acid – to which it owes its slightly sour taste – which makes it a food that can be consumed in moderation.
The properties of Red Rumex are many and extremely interesting: from purifying to digestive, from diuretic to tonic-refreshing. It is no coincidence that it can also be used as an infusion, whose medicinal effects return benefits especially in terms of purifying the blood and alleviating various skin problems.
Red Rumex in the kitchen: tips for use and recipes
The Red Rumex finds ample space in the kitchen and allows free inspiration. Younger leaves, for example, are commonly used in mixed salads, also as an ornament due to their colorful appearance. Combined with chervil and chives, then, they make up a very tasty vegetable mix, excellent as a filling for omelettes and omelettes. The more mature leaves, on the other hand, can be cooked and served on the table like spinach. Its sour taste – vaguely reminiscent of lemon on the palate – makes Red Sanguineus an element used even just to add freshness to the flavor of a dish. The composition and consistency of the leaves of the Red Romice are also suitable for the processing of pesto and smoothies, which are more delicate and tasty than the same preparations with leaves of the same family.
In conclusion, Red Rumex is a fresh and inevitable food in any diet but, as already mentioned, given the high content of oxalic acid, it is advisable to consume it in a measured way.